Procedure to be followed to qualify as a Peppol Service Provider:
- Perform the compulsory registration to the OpenPeppol AISBL Association, as it is specified in the section Join, by filling in and digitally signing the OpenPeppol Membership Application Form specifying the role to assume: Access Point (AP) Provider or Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) Provider.;
To become an AP Provider you need to register for the Post-Award Procurement Service Domain. To become a SMP Provider you must register for the Addressing and Capability Lookup Service Domain.
Send via email the document above mentioned to the address
Fill in and digitally sign the Peppol Service Provider Agreement and the Certificate of registration with the Chamber of Commerce
It is specified that by signing the Peppol Service Provider Agreement one agrees to comply with the specific requirements established by the Peppol Authority, defined within the Italian Peppol Authority Specific Requirements (PASR). Therefore, the provider is invited to consult the document and verify compliance with these requirements.
Send via certified email the documents mentioned in the previous point to the address specifying the object as follows: [PEPPOL] request of *company name* to sign the Peppol agreement
The Peppol Authority AGID verifies the submitted documentation and communicates the outcome to the Service Provider contact indicated in the Peppol Service Provider Agreement to receive formal communications (Annex 3, p. 23)
Send a request to Peppol Service Desk concerning the release of the digital certificates for the conduction of the tests, by filling the relevant form
The email address indicated in the “Email confirmation to” field of the request will be recorded by OpenPeppol as the SP’s contact address for communications relating to AP/SMP PKI Certificates (e.g. notification of certificate expiry). It is advisable to indicate the technical contact address mentioned in the Peppol Service Provider Agreement to receive support and security issues alerts (Annex 3, p. 23 of the Agreement) and to use a group mail.
The Peppol Authority authorises the release of digital certificates for the test environment
Perform the download and the installation of the test certificates
If you need guidance on how to retrieve test certificates, you can refer to the information provided in section 5. Retrieval of New Certificates of the Procedure to renew the Peppol certificates
- Perform the tests and the interoperability checks following two sequential phases:
PHASE 1: Qualification of basic services, to be performed through the completion of the Accreditation suite of the Peppol Testbed. Upon completion of the tests, the SP communicates its results by sending a request to the Peppol Service Desk, filling in the relevant form
PHASE 2 (after passing PHASE 1): Qualification of the specific services for the Italian context, to be performed through the execution of a complete session of all the test cases envisaged by the accreditation process of the Access Points afferent to the Italian Peppol Authority. The test session is run on the Onboarding Platform, whose interface is described in Onboarding Platform user manual. Upon successful completion of the test session, the SP sends the document containing the test results to the Peppol Authority directly via the Onboarding Platform
The Peppol Authority verifies the submitted documentation and authorises the release of digital certificates for the production environment
Perform the download and the installation of the production certificates
Peppol Authority transmits the digitally countersigned Peppol Service Provider Agreement document to the Service Provider
Please note that digital certificates for the production environment are valid for two years. After expiration, the Service Provider must renew them, following the specification Procedure to renew the Peppol dei certificati Peppol foreseen by OpenPeppol.
If necessary, the Service Provider can request OpenPeppol to change the contact address for PKI certificate communications by sending a request to the Peppol Service Desk, filling in the relevant form and indicating in the Summary field the object “Request for update of the email address for PKI Certificate”.